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We hope to collaborate with other schools and organizations in the Bay Area to educate individuals about the importance of dental care and to inform them the correct methods of maintaining good oral hygiene. It is our goal to provide students with new kits during Teach-ins to encourage students to exchange toothbrushes every 3 months! 


If you have any further inquiries about our program, please do not hesitate to contact us through our email or Instagram! 


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Over the years, our fundraisers have raised over $2000 to purchase all our dental kits! Past efforts have included selling bead/clay rings, lego sets, and balloons on our UC Berkeley campus.


We also receive donations. Our club distributes kits to children and the elderly who need them during our teach-ins! If you would like to make a donation, please contact us.


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Suitcase Clinic

We table at the suitcase clinic bi-monthly to provide lower socio-economic individuals with dental kits, informational pamphlets, and new resources! 


Our club enjoys interacting with diverse members of our community in a more intimate form as we can spread more oral health information through heart-to-heart conversations.


We were fortunate enough to receive 1000 toothbrushes from our national organization, America’s ToothFairy, and have the opportunity to donate these toothbrushes to any organization or school of our choice. 

We have donated to organizations such as the Women’s Daytime Drop-In Center and will be delivering more toothbrushes to other organizations in the Bay Area. 

If you are interested in toothbrush donations or know of organizations/schools that are in need of toothbrushes, please feel free to contact us!

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